Immaculate Conception Faith Formation Schedules
Director of Lifelong Faith Formation: Aaron Giard / 978-462-2724 x 405 /
Assistant to Lifelong Faith Formation: Melinda Burrell / 978-462-2724 x 420 /
All volunteers need to fill out a CORI Form before assisting with children. Download the 2025 form here.
2025 3rd-8th Grade Summer Faith Formation Week
Mark your calendars: June 23rd - 27th, 2025; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Immaculate Conception Parish Grounds, Newburyport
We are beginning to put together details for our annual Summer Faith Formation Week. Please check back here for registration forms and details in the coming weeks.
NOTE: If your child is preparing for Sacraments (First Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation) we only offer preparation during the school year. If your child is entering 8th grade in the Fall, but has not received Faith Formation in recent years, enrolling them in the Summer Faith Formation Week is a great way to catch them up and get in a prerequisite year before they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (8th graders can only begin preparation for Confirmation if they have recent Faith Formation with us).
2024-2025 School-year Faith Formation & Sacrament Prep
(For 2nd Grade & Confirmation Preparation, scroll down to "Sacramental Prep" below)
K-1st; 3rd-8th Grade Faith Formation
Sundays (see schedule below) after 9:00 AM Mass (~10 AM) - 11:20 AM
Immaculate Conception Pastoral Center, Newburyport
Faith Formation at our Collaborative is set up to involve both parish volunteer catechists and parents in the formation of your children in the Catholic faith. Our Church has always understood that there is no substitute for the role of parents in passing on faith and devotion to their children.
Respecting your role and the importance of learning from trained catechists, Faith Formation meets every other week in person at the Pastoral Center in Newburyport and every other week in your homes. As your children get older (6th-8th Grade), they might have assignments that they perform more on their own, but they will likely still have assignments when not in person.
During at-home weeks, we will communicate assignments via Flocknote, our communication software.
NOTE for 8th & 9th Grade: If your child has received Faith Formation in recent years (6th - 8th Grade), he/she is ready for preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (see Confirmation Prep schedules below Faith Formation). If your child has not received Faith Formation recently, please sign him/her up for Faith Formation and follow the schedule below.
K-1st; 3rd-8th Grade Schedule
Sundays after the 9:00 AM Mass (~10:00 AM - 11:20 AM)
Immaculate Conception Pastoral Center, Newburyport
Sept. 22nd - First In Person & Parent Meeting | Jan. 5th - At-home |
Sept. 29th - At-home | Jan. 12th - In Person |
Oct. 6th - In Person | Jan. 19th (Holiday Weekend) At-home |
Oct. 13th (Holiday Weekend) - At-home | Jan. 26th - In Person |
Oct. 20th - In Person | Feb. 2nd - At-home |
Oct. 27th - All Saints Festival | Feb. 9th - In Person |
Nov. 3rd - In Person | Feb. 16th (School Vacation) At-home |
Nov. 10th (Holiday Weekend) - At-home | Feb. 23rd - In Person |
Nov. 17th - In Person | Mar. 2nd - Lent Festival |
Nov. 24th - At home | Mar. 9th - In Person |
Dec. 1st (Holiday Weekend) - At-home | Mar. 16th - At-home |
Dec. 8th - In Person | Mar. 23rd - In Person |
Dec. 15th - At-home | Mar. 30th - At-home |
Dec. 22nd - In Person | Apr. 6th - In Person |
Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve) @ 3:15 PM: Nativity Play |
Apr. 13th (Palm Sunday) - Holy Week Festival |
Dec. 29th (School Vacation) - At-home | April 20th (Easter Sunday) - Easter Egg Hunt + At home |
Apr. 27 - Final In Person |
To register your child, please fill out an online form HERE
Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation
First Reconciliation Prep (2nd Grade)
(2nd graders prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before First Holy Communion)
Sundays (see below) @ 10:05 (after Mass) - 11:20 AM
Immaculate Conception Parish
Sacramental Preparation at our Collaborative is set up to involve both parish volunteer catechists and parents. Our Church has always understood that there is no substitute for the role of parents in passing on faith and devotion to the sacraments to their children.
Respecting your role and the importance of learning from trained catechists, 2nd grade meets every other week in person at the Pastoral Center in Newburyport and every other week in your homes. We will be using a great new curriculum this year from Ascension Press that can be accessed online.
Additionally, we have parents meeting in our dining room every in-person Sunday at IC for fellowship and discussion while your children are in class.
For First Reconciliation and First Communion ONLY, we offer a Sunday morning and a Tuesday afternoon (3:30 - 4:45 PM) option for in-person catechesis. However, our Tuesday Group is FULL at this time.
First Reconciliation Preparation (catechesis) will begin for Public School children the week of September 22nd and will take place nearly every Sunday (and Tuesday; in person or at home) until December 22nd. There are 12 sessions for First Reconciliation before the sacrament six completed in person, six at home.
First Reconciliation Prep Schedule
The Tuesday group (3:30 - 4:45 PM) will meet in person on the Tuesday falling immediately after in-person Sundays. TUESDAY IS FULL.
Sun. Sept. 22 - Lesson 1.1 in person & Parent Meeting | Sun. Nov. 17th - Lesson 5.1 in person |
Sun. Sept. 29th - Lesson 1.2 at home | Sun. Nov. 24th - Lesson 5.2 at home |
Sun. Oct. 6th - Lesson 2.1 in person | Sun. Dec. 1st (Thanksgiving Weekend) |
Sun. Oct. 13th (Holiday Weekend) - Lesson 2.2 at home | Sun. Dec. 8th - Lesson 6.1 in person |
Sun. Oct. 20th - Lesson 3.1 in person | Sun. Dec. 15th - NO Lesson (Tues. Dec 17th - Lesson 6.2 in person) |
Sun. Oct. 27th - All Saints Festival - Lesson 3.2 at home | Sun. Dec. 22nd - Lesson 6.2 in person |
Sun. Nov. 3rd - Lesson 4.1 in person | *There will be NO Tuesday group on Dec 24th* |
Sun. Nov. 10th (Holiday Weekend) - Lesson 4.2 at home | Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve) @ 3:15 PM - Nativity Play |
First Reconciliation Penance Services:
Saturday, January 4th @ 10:00 AM at Immaculate Conception Church, Newburyport |
Monday, January 6th @ 4:00 PM at St. Ann Church, West Newbury |
First Holy Communion Prep (2nd Grade)
Special Parent Meeting (Public School) for First Communion:
Sunday, January 12th @ 10:05 (after 9:00 AM Mass) - 11:20 AM
First Communion Preparation (catechesis) will begin for Public School children on January 14th and will take place each Sunday and Tuesday (in person or at home) until Mar 30th. There are 12 lessons for First Communion before the sacrament, six completed in person, six at home. There are also two additional essential gatherings, offered only on Sunday:
- First Communion Church Tour: Sunday, February 2nd @ 12:40 - 2:15 PM
- First Communion Retreat: Sunday, April 6th @ 12:35 (after 11:30 AM Mass) - 2 PM
First Communion Prep Schedule
As with First Reconciliation Prep, the Tuesday group meets in person the week after each Sunday in person.
Sun. Jan. 12th - Lesson 1.1 in person & Parent Meeting | Sun. Mar. 9th - Lesson 5.1 in person |
Sun. Jan. 19th (Holiday Weekend) Lesson 1.2 at home | Sun. Mar. 16th - Lesson 5.2 at home |
Sun. Jan. 26th - Lesson 2.1 in person | Sun. Mar. 23rd - Lesson 6.1 in person |
Sun. Feb. 2nd - Lesson 2.2 at home & CHURCH TOUR | Sun. Mar. 30th - Lesson 6.2 at home |
Sun. Feb. 9th - Lesson 3.1 in person | Sun. Apr. 6th - First Communion Retreat |
Sun. Feb. 16th (School Vacation Week) Lesson 3.2 at home | Sun. Apr. 13th (Palm Sunday) - Holy Week Festival |
Sun. Feb. 23rd - Lesson 4.1 in person | Sun. April 20th (Easter Sunday) - Easter Egg Hunt |
Sun. Mar. 2nd - Lent Festival - Lesson 4.2 at home | Sun. Apr. 27 (end of school vacation week) |
First Holy Communion Masses (registration is open; email Melinda:
Sat. May 3rd @ 4:00 PM - Immaculate Conception Church |
Sun. May 4th @ 11:30 AM - Immaculate Conception Church |
Sat. May 10th @ 4:00 PM - Church of the Nativity |
Sat. May 17th @ 4:00 PM - Immaculate Conception Church |
Sun. May 18th @ 11:30 AM - Immaculate Conception Church |
To register your child for preparation, please fill out an online form HERE
Confirmation Preparation
8th-10th Grade
8th & 9th Grade Parent-Candidate Information Meeting was Sept. 5th
Sponsor-Candidate Meeting was Sept 22nd
See recording of this meeting at under the Playlist.
8th & 9th Grade Catechesis Schedule
Sunday Mornings: 10:05 - 11:25 AM @ Immaculate Conception, Newburyport
Oct. 6th - Session 1 |
Oct. 20th - Session 2 |
Nov. 3rd - Session 3 |
Nov. 17th - Session 4 |
Dec. 8th - Session 5 |
Dec. 22nd - Session 6 |
Jan. 12th - Session 7 |
Jan. 26th - Session 8 |
Retreat - February - TBD |
Sacrament Liturgy: March 1st @ 10:00 AM at IC Church |
10th Grade Catechesis Schedule
There are two options for time/location:
Sunday Afternoons: 3:30 - 5:00 PM @ Immaculate Conception, Newburyport
Sunday Evenings: 6:30 - 8:00 PM @ Nativity, Merrimac
Oct 6th - Session 1 |
Nov 3rd - Session 2 |
Nov 17th - Session 3 |
Dec 8th - Session 4 |
Jan 12th - Session 5 |
Feb 9th - Session 6 |
Mar 9th - Session 7 |
Apr 6th - Session 8 |
Retreat - early May - TBD |
Sacrament Liturgies: May 10th @ 1:30 PM at Nativity & May 30th @ 5:30 PM at IC |
To Register, please fill out an online form HERE and scroll down to the Confirmation Prep form.