Adult Faith Formation
"My father's Father" Documentary Series
Thursdays during Lent, beginning March 6th, ending April 10th
9:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Charity Dining Room, IC Pastoral Center Building
Refreshments and breakfast foods will be served. Join us for fellowship, a deep-dive into God the Father, and some quality discussion.
From the series website, "God is Father– This is the life-altering revelation of Jesus. Yet, how many of us struggle to know that we have a Father in heaven who knows, loves, and chooses us as His sons and daughters? Join Fr. Dave Pivonka as he journeys home to reflect on the urgent need to know God as Father amidst the backdrop of his hometown and the relationship he shared with his dad. This poignant documentary series explores the transformative impact of embracing our inheritance, unraveling the intricate tapestry of fear, doubt, shame, and brokenness to reveal a loving Father– for each of us."
Click here to go to series website for more information
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
For those adults desiring to receive the sacraments and enter the Church, we are always welcoming new inquirers! This process is educational, but not just academically so. Becoming a Catholic Christian is not just a matter of learning doctrines and consenting to them intellectually. It is about encountering and entering into life in Jesus Christ and His Body, the Church. It is about embarking on a new way of life, taking on a new perspective (an eternal one!), learning to pray, how we read Scripture, how we serve the poor and our neighbor, and becoming an integrated member of the community, the family of God.
All parishioners are always welcome to attend OCIA sessions. This is a great way to be formed more in our faith, a faith we learned about as children. We also encourage parishioners to serve on the OCIA team in some capacity (hospitality, as teacher, mentor, prayer partner etc).
Most sessions occur on Sunday mornings after the 9:00 AM Mass at IC in Newburyport, but our team is flexible and can accommodate schedules during the week.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic or want to be involved in the process, please reach out to Aaron Giard, Director of Lifelong Faith Formation, at or call (978) 462-2724 x405.