Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina

We are meeting virtually via Zoom every Wednesday from 6:00–7:00 p.m.
Please contact Elizabeth at 978-462-7483 for more information and the Zoom link.


We welcome all members of our Collaborative community to join us the first Wednesday of every month 6:00–7:00 p.m. for thirty minutes of Centering Prayer, silently resting in God and surrendering and assenting to God’s presence and action in our lives.

The daily practice of Centering Prayer, resting silently in God, facilitates the process of inner transformation. Our prayer without words is one of intention to surrender to God’s presence and action in our lives and desire for a closer relationship with God. As God moves us closer to him, through our daily discipline of silent prayer, we find our focus turns from self to God and we are blessed with the fruits of Centering Prayer. These gifts are not often apparent immediately and may be first noticed by others. Receiving these gifts is not the goal of centering prayer. We bring no expectations to this daily prayer as we surrender our whole self to God and trust in his love for us. The gift of his love is our transformation to the persons he created us to be. Through the grace of this silent shared time with God we may become more open minded, less prone to judge others, aware of what really matters and able to let go of what doesn’t, accepting of our own basic goodness and filled with inner freedom to act for God.

This ancient prayer practice opens our minds and hearts to hear God’s words as we continue by reading Sacred Scripture in group Lectio Divina. For the second thirty minutes we listen to God's words, ponder and share what we hear the Lord saying to us here and now, and contemplate God’s message to us and let it guide our choices and actions. Both practices strengthen our faith and reliance on God and deepen and our personal relationship with God.

For more information please call Elizabeth McCarthy, 978-462-7483.