IC St. Vincent de Paul
Visit our website: https://www.svdpnewburyport.org/
The St. Vincent de Paul Society was established to serve those in need. “Love of God and Love of Neighbor” motivate their good works. Call 978-518-0728 for more information on how you may be able to become involved in this ministry. At Immaculate Conception, once a week, members join in “Breaking Bread” by preparing and serving dinner at the Parish Center to neighbors in need.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is here to help. So many people are experiencing hardship and continue to struggle. Residents of Newburyport and Newbury can call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for help with food, clothing, rent, utilities, gas, and other necessities. Call 978-518-0728 and let us know how we can help you get back on your feet again.
Donations made to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be used immediately in response to the calls for help that are received. Please send checks payable to Society of St. Vincent de Paul to Immaculate Conception Church, 42 Green Street, Newburyport MA 01950.
Thank you for helping us to help others!