Collaborative Pastoral Council

Check the bulletin for the next meeting date.  

HRIC Collaborative Pastoral Council

In 2019 a Pastoral Council was formed in our Collaborative to assist the Pastor in his responsibilities of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating, and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education, and service activities within the parish as the leader of the Collaborative. They serve in a consultative role and there are members from both of our parishes. Members are chosen by lot after a period of prayer and silent reflection. Members chosen will serve for three-year terms which are renewable once. Each summer interested parishioners are asked to submit their name for consideration. Please watch for these notices in the Bulletin and consider joining us in this important Collaborative work.



Fr. Timothy Harrison - Chair

HR Members
Greg Jablonski - Vice-Chair

Kathy Peavey
Bob Belmont
Veronica Laite
Thomas Grella
David Olds

IC Members
Alan McEmber - Vice-Chair
Nancy Rose, IC
Joseph Cox, IC
Tom Welch, IC
Mike Corbett, IC
Colleen Mulholland, IC
Amanda Barcus, IC
Patty Olds, IC

Deacon Paul Dow

Deacon John Moranski
Aaron Giard