Additional Baptism Information

Baptisms are held on the Second Sunday of each month at the 11:30 Mass at IC Church.

You can now register your child for baptsm using this online form:


Dear Friends,

The Collaborative of Holy Redeemer and Immaculate Conception rejoices with you because of the gift of a new life, which has been given to you. On behalf of the Collaborative, we offer our congratulations and best wishes to you and your family.

We also wish to express our joy and encouragement for you in your decision to request Baptism for your child. In doing so you are asking to make a public commitment to share your Catholic faith with your child and to bring the little one up in the faith of the Church–as a follower of Jesus–a lover of God and neighbor. God has already given life to your child. In Baptism, God gives your child the gift of Eternal life–the Grace of Christ. It is then a joyful event for the whole Church when a child is brought for Baptism and becomes a member of the family of believers–the Body of Christ.

Here at the HRIC Collaborative, we want to help you to prepare for the celebration of this wonderful Sacrament so that you might enter into the celebration with full, active and conscious participation. The Sacrament of Baptism is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of the month. So that you might better understand what you are doing and the gift that God is giving your child, we gather parents and Godparents when possible for a preparation meeting.  At this meeting, we will explain and explore with you the meaning of Baptism, as well as the ritual of Baptism that you will take part in with your child. In addition to parents and Godparents, other may attend this meeting. Feel free to invite them, if you wish. Please be sure to register with the office prior to the meeting and baptism.

Each child to be baptized must have at least one Godparent or sponsor. A Godparent is a person who assists the parents in their duty to bring the child up in the practice of the faith. Godparents have a special relationship by virtue of this privilege–a relationship which ought to support the faith of the parents and nurture the faith of your child. We encourage you to choose Godparents with this role in mind, so that they might be helpful to you and your child in the development of faith.

The Church has certain requirements for Godparents, which we share with you now to help you choose them well. A child normally may have one or two Godparents. If there are two Godparents usually they include a Godmother and a Godfather. Godparents cannot be the parents of the child. Godparents must be at least 16 years of age (rare exceptions can be made). Godparents must be Catholics who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and lead lives in harmony with the faith. (A child who has one Godparent who is a Confirmed Catholic may have a baptized non-Catholic serve as a “Christian Witness” in lieu of a second Godparent.) Being a Godparent or a Christian Witness is an honor for a person, and a potential help for your child as he or she grows in faith–especially by way of the example that they give your child in living a life faithful to their own Baptism. We encourage you to consider this as you choose them for your child.

Please see below for dates of Baptism and instructional meetings. We look forward to assisting you in your movement toward this most important day in the life of your family. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. It is an honor for us to assist you in bringing up your child in the faith and especially to assist in your child’s Baptism. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you in your role as Christian parents.

Collaborative Baptism Information

Please contact the IC Parish office at 978-462-2724 with questions or to register for the Collaborative baptism class.

Baptism Sessions:  Please be sure to pre-register for a baptism session.

Classes are usually the first Sunday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Immaculate Conception Parish Center, Charity Dining Room 114.

 Group Baptisms: The second Sunday of the month during the 11:30 a.m. Mass at Immaculate Conception Church unless otherwise noted.  A family can request a date for baptism at Holy Redeemer Church.  (Please note: there are no baptisms during Lent.)

Suggested Resources for Families:

Sign up for Daily Gospel Reflections via email with Bishop Robert Barron:  

Daily Audio Scripture Readings from the US Bishops' Conference  

Daily Reflections Videos on the Scripture Readings from the US Bishops' Conference

Catholic Gospel Coloring Sheets for Sunday Mass by CatholicMom.com