Faith Formation Registration Forms

 Director of Lifelong Faith Formation: Aaron Giard / 978-462-2724 x 405 / agiard@hriccatholic.org
Assistant to Lifelong Faith Formation: Melinda Burrell / 978-462-2724 x 420 / burrell@hriccatholic.org


Faith Formation 2024-2025 Registration


2024-2025 K-9th Grade Faith Formation Registration Form

A Note about 8th & 9th Grade

**Please note: If your child is entering the 8th or 9th grade and has received Faith Formation in recent years (6th - 7th for 8th graders, 7th - 8th for 9th graders), please register him/her for Confirmation Preparation. That form can be found below this form. If your child has not received recent Faith Formation, he/she will take a "refresher" class this year and Confirmation Prep and the sacrament itself next year. In that case, fill out this form.**

NOTE: Our Tuesday Afternoon 2nd Grade Group is FULL.

Family Information

Child 1 Information

Child 2 Information (if applicable)

Child 3 Information (if applicable)

Emergency Contact (other than parents)

Insurance Information (for emergency purposes)

Additional Authorizations/Information

Registration Fee Payment

2024-2025 Registration Fee is:
K-1st; 3rd-9th Grade: $185/child
2nd Grade/Sacramental Prep: $215/child

Please pay by cash or check. If a check, make it out to your parish ("Immaculate Conception" or "Holy Redeemer") and mail it to:
HRIC Parish Collaborative
ATTN: Faith Formation
42 Green St.
Newburyport, MA 01950

If you are encountering a financial hardship and cannot pay the entire amount, please call us at (978) 462-2724 to work out a budgeting/pay in installments plan. We don't want financial difficulties getting in the way of your child's faith formation!




2024-2025 Confirmation Preparation Registration Form

Cardinal O'Malley, our Archbishop, has changed the age of Confirmation from 10th/11th Grade to 8th Grade. That said, we are gradually shifting our program to reflect this change. Please see our Faith Formation page www.hriccatholic.org/Faith-Formation for more information on what to expect.

NOTE: If your child is entering the 8th or 9th grade this year and has received Faith Formation in recent years, they can enter formal Confirmation Preparation and receive the sacrament itself in the Winter 2025 (date TBD). If they have not received recent Faith Formation, we ask that you register them for regular Faith Formation on the form above this one. They will then enter formal preparation for the sacrament next year and receive it that same year (9th or 10th Grade).

Candidate Information

Parent Information

Emergency Contact (other than parent)

Insurance Information (for emergency purposes)


Parent Volunteering?

Registration Fee Payment (Cash or Check)

Registration Fee for Confirmation Prep is $200

To pay by CHECK, please make it out to your parish (Immaculate Conception or Holy Redeemer) and mail it to:
HRIC Parish Collaborative
ATTN: Faith Formation
42 Green St.
Newburyport, MA 01950

If you are encountering financial hardship, we do not want this to get in the way of your child's faith formation. Please call us at (978) 462-2724 about budgeting/paying in installments.


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